
This blog is a space to share my experiences during my Peace Corps service. It is also a space to share my art, and to question everything from female agency to fried hotdogs. I hope you enjoy :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Time to work

The majority of this blog is spent examining interactions, exploring eternal struggles, and art but I also want you guys to know that I WORK! Lol
            The past month has been full of activities. I had a regional meeting with 30 other PCVs in my region. We learned and shared new project idea, conducted elections, and networked. I have also recommitted myself to the school going in 3 times a day. This is in addition to pasearing, working on my house, my community analysis, and being sick lol.
            Peace Corps has a way of sneaking up on you and revving up.
You go through days where you feel you are not doing enough and the BAM! There are 50 things that need to be completed in a week. This can be very stressful but I am learning to pace myself.

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