
This blog is a space to share my experiences during my Peace Corps service. It is also a space to share my art, and to question everything from female agency to fried hotdogs. I hope you enjoy :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Beginnings: Sun in my Face.

Tears shed, hugs given, and a monstrosity of a duffel packed. As I drive with my father, it really starts to settle in. After almost 2 years of waiting I am going to the Peace Corps! "ahhhh......oh ish!" What am I getting myself into. Will I finally master Spanish? Will I make worthwhile projects? What happens to my Daddy and the rest of my family? I ponder. The sun makes its way through all the water marks on the windshield just long enough to wash away any lingering doubts.
My Dad drops me off at the airport, my mom in full gear meets us. It is very awkward. we hug and smile and says "I love you". My father takes a rushed picture of me awkwardly standing next to what we call " The Whale" ie my huge duffel. He gives me a rushed kiss and says goodbye quietly and rushes to the car. We both know how we feel. So more words are just unnecessary. He and I have been ace boon coons for what seems like a lifetime and my heart aches a little for him. But I have a job to do!

While sitting and having some last phone calls, I meet a really cool older couple. Turns out they are going to the Peace Corps too. They are full of light and spunk. We speak over airport Italian and trade travel stories. The Peace Corps is just a new adventure in a long history of exploring the world. They speak of rock climbing, and Spain. Both this new couple and I have been hell bent on exploring the world around us. It seems as though we are all chasing the sun.

As I enter staging I soon realize that I am the only Black person in my entire group. I look to a carmel hued curly hair'd girl but turns out she is Mexican. We strike up a cautious conversation and meander on. Everybody seems to be in awe of me. They love my hair, my clothes, the way I speak. I try not to perform. I fail. I love people and when in new places I find my humour defuses anxiety. Although in some respects I am alone, I do not feel that way. I am growing closer to the people in my group and I know that we all want the same thing. To serve the world and help facilitate growth in Panama and in ourselves.

As we fly to Panama I look out the small airplane window, sun in my face, ready.